Thursday, 1 December 2016

Cleanliness Can’t be Compromised

My recent visit to the ‘Basti Paathshaala’ during the Adolescent week was an eye opener. We had been working closely with these rural set ups and addressing issues of teaching –learning, menstrual health, aggression in boys, examination stress, mal nutrition etc since so many years. We had been ignoring a very important aspect of hygiene which was so basic yet so imperative. The unkempt nails were a house of multiple germs. Washing hands with water (source unknown) , role of soap, harmful effects of  germs and the diseases caused by it was a fact unknown  to this section of the society. The ignorance regarding the importance of washing hands is unfathomable.  

Savlon, ITC’s  leading hygiene brand appropriately launched a one–of-its kind campaign on this Children’s Day. The campaign is the epitome of innovativeness, concern,  and a reflection of a very effective road map to make India healthy and strong. The Swasth India Mission aims to inculcate hygienic habits in a playful way so that the essence is absorbed in a fun and entertaining manner.

Education is a dynamic field which encompasses holistic approach to the well being of the students who are a future of healthy nation. Through education, this campaign aims to disseminate information thus required to induce behavioural change. It is the constructive approach to equip the kids with the healthy habits which promote healthy survival.

Lets us act towards the cause which is imperative and spread the word to bring about a change towards making India a healthy pool of happy people. Let us create a ripple effect around us and join the Savlon’s Swasth India Mission and contribute in making our kids strong. #SavlonSwasthIndia

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